Why Joint Locks Are Sometimes Ineffective In Jiu Jitsu

Why Joint Locks Are Sometimes Ineffective In Jiu Jitsu

There are different ways to make a person submit in Jiu Jitsu.  One technique is the joint lock which involves manipulating the opponent’s joint in such a way that it reaches their maximal degree of motion. There are 5 types namely arm locks, leg locks, small joint manipulation, spinal locks and wristlocks. Unfortunately, some people don’t do this right making what they are doing ineffective and here are the reasons why.

Poor mechanics is very common. To prevent this from happening, you have to learn the mechanics of this technique so you know precisely where to put your strength specifically most of your body weight into one joint.

Your joint lock will also be unsuccessful if your opponent is very flexible. Although rare, some people are able to bend their arms backward to almost a 90 degree angle or bend their wrist backward and touch the palm of their hands using their forearms.

Another possible reason is that your opponent has a high tolerance for pain. This means that even if you are able to do it correctly, that person is still able to withstand it.

If the person does not seem to have a high tolerance for pain, it is possible that your opponent is mentally deranged or high on a drug.

When this happens, you have to try another submission technique like a chokehold because they will be unconscious if they do not submit to you.

A good example is the Rear Carotid Restraint. This is done by reaching deep in front of the opponent toward his stomach and molding your biceps against the side of his neck. You then bend your arm so that your elbow is pointed straight down and the crook of your elbow is directly below his trachea.

Now reach up high and grab your own shoulder or simply grasp a handful of his shirt. Your biceps and the inside of your forearm should press on the sides of the neck. With your free hand behind his head, use it to push the back of his head forward while pushing with the elbow that encircles his neck into his chest as though you are squeezing it towards his spine. Shrug his shoulders up like you are hanging him and hold it for a few seconds until his body goes limp.

As mentioned before, it is not often that you encounter an opponent that is flexible. Another reason why your joint lock is not working could be they had a previous injury in the same spot before.

The last reason why your joint lock is not effective could be a combination of any of the reasons stated.

Of the different reasons mentioned as to why your joint lock does not work, poor mechanics happens to be the only thing that is under your control. The rest really depends on your opponent and if you can’t handle the situation, the best thing to do will be to run and get help.

Jiu Jitsu is not the only martial art that uses joint locks to make an opponent submit. This is also used in Aikido, Catch Wrestling and Judo to name a few. If you want to get this right, you have to practice this regularly this technique regularly so it can be used when a threat presents itself.